Key points in applying effective quality assurance strategies to legacy enterprise applications.

The abyss of enterprise can get you easily lost when it comes to the quality assurance. You’ll get bombarded with strangely crafted KPI’s, like number of test cases executed per day or number of defects per test case. Effectiveness gets lost, a victim to ruthless contractual or regulatory requirements. On top you’ll usually face the gargantuan complexity of cowboy-coded, ages old, lava-code based enterprise applications. Usually there will also be nobody to help you understand what these applications do.
So being a young, focused and ambitious quality gatekeeper, you would like to get off weeks of repetitive manual regressions, months-long release cycles, sign-offs. You’d like to move on, to create a quality assurance culture, that promotes short feedback loop, easy rollbacks and minimal impact from introducing new changes.
I’ve been there and would be happy to share my experience on how to transform the culture and how to be able to keep on growing within otherwise very ‘blue’ enterprise world.

Gustaw Fit

Gustaw Fit

Software Development Manager, skilled in managing the entire software product life-cycle. Within software life-cycle, I enjoy all stages: designing, developing, testing and maintaining applications. I also don’t mind to work with the teams, when they are short of another hands-on person. I always try to be the go-to person, once an unexpected event appears. I have over 12 years of technical experience and over 7 years of managerial experience. I directly manage large development teams and multi-million projects. I am interested in new technologies and how they help to create operational efficiency. With my mature managerial skills and excellent communication, co-ordination and organisational skills, I have the ability to create focus, add value and provide direction within a team or group of teams. I have a very strong process background, including Agile, Waterfall, TDD, BDD and DevOps. Last but not least, I am a very straightforward, reliable and direct person, with the exact pinch of humour for rainy-day situations.