Locating Elements – beginner level

Xpath, Css, Id, Name, Class, etc. Selectors are our inseparable tool for searching for elements on a website. This list of selectors is supported by Selenium. Most of them are simple selectors, which refer to individual properties of the WebElement.

The workshop will teach us:

  • what are selectors,
  • how to find yourself in our everyday life on our website, where there are many similar elements,
  • how to write a selector that is easy to maintain,
  • which selectors are problematic and why.

If you would like to enter the world of automatic tests, you must first understand and learn how to write effective selectors. This workshop will allow you to learn the basics of how to build selectors.

Maximum number of participants: 15
Preliminary requirements for participants: Beginner level, basic web knowledge. Knowledge of DOM, HTML, XML.
Language: Polish

Tomasz Bonior

Tomasz Bonior

Automation expert. He has gained experience in automatic tests since 2006. Currently works in Two Up Digital as a CTO. Lecturer of “Software testing automation techniques and tools” at the Jagiellonian University and Vistula University. Founder of the Test Automation School – automated test programming school. Co-founder of the KraQA community and organizer of the SkładQA conference.